NMRL Director Recognized as Honorary Professor Emeritus Issued by Brazilian Army Physical Fitness Research Institute · Nov 2022


The Honorary title of Emeritus Professor of the Brazilian Army Physical Fitness Research Institute is in recognition for contributions for scientific research on physical training and was conferred during the 100th anniversary of the Brazilian Army Center for Physical Education and the 25th anniversary of Brazilian Army Physical Fitness Research Institute. Honorees included General de Exercito Flavio Marcus Lancia Barbosa, Major-Brigadeiro do Ar Jose Virgilio Guedes de Avellar, General de Brigada Luiz Akberto Cureau Junior, Coronel Marco Antonio de Mattos La Porta Junior, Senhor Bernardo Rocha de Rezende "Bernardinho", Professor Scott K. Powers, Professor Bradley C. Nindl, Professor Doutor Jose Fernandes Filho, Professor Doutor William Waissmann, and Professor Doutor Jose Gomnes Tubinos (in memoriam).