UPMC Rehabilitation Institute Pilot Grant Announcement

The UPMC Rehabilitation Institute launched a pilot grant funding for innovative research projects in the field of personalized exercise prescriptions for cognitive impairment in late-life depression. The primary focus of this grant is to investigate the role of brain aging and biological sex in the responsiveness to aerobic exercise.

Principal Investigator(s): Drs. Swathi Gujral and Amrita Sahu

NMRL Collaboration: Dr. Adam Sterczala - Co-Investigator; Dr. Mita Lovalekar - Consultant

Proposal Title: Personalizing Exercise Prescriptions for Cognitive Impairment in Late-life Depression: Role of Brain Aging and Biological Sex in Responsiveness to Aerobic Exercise

This grant opportunity aims to support research projects that advance our understanding of the effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive impairment in individuals with late-life depression, with a particular emphasis on the influence of brain aging and biological sex. The pilot grant funding will provide support for research personnel, data collection, and necessary resources.